Our Program Partners are the primary driving force of various innovation initiatives that have contributed significantly to the local ecosystem. Khalifa Fund and UAE Food and Beverage Manufacturers Business Group (FBMG) envision to shape the future of Emiratis, develop and market their products locally and globally, by establishing an authentic Emirati brand and to protect the interests of F&B manufactures and resolve industry-related challenges.

Provide qualified
incubates with access to Lab/R&D facilities

Provide qualified incubates with access to Lab/R&D facilities

Mentor and support
incubates in their
product's development

Mentor and support
incubates in their
product's development

Partnership with qualified
incubates to commercialize
their products

Partnership with qualified
incubates to commercialize
their products

Challenge Pillars

Farming Wonder

Immunity Building

Super Ingredients

Sustainable Packaging

Innovative Byproducts

& Calorie Reduction

Farming Wonder

Immunity Building

Super Ingredients

Sustainable Packaging

Innovative Byproducts

& Calorie Reduction


Barakat Quality Plus Challenge


Company Name


Barakat Quality Plus

Sector - Beverages

Company Name - Barakat Quality Plus

Challenge 1.1


While the functional beverage market is predicted to have healthy growth over the next few years, the challenge put forth by Barakat is to create a functional therapeutic benefit product that delivers both on claims and satisfies consumers.
Key Note:
It should be a natural beverage, made from fresh ingredients with therapeutic ingredients added – a beverage that provides more than just hydration and refreshment, a key therapeutic functional benefit.

Challenge 1.2

At Barakat, we would like to develop a range of juice-based products added with natural proteins and ingredients that consumers can have before, during and after their workout so that they can build their core muscle strength and manage their energy levels throughout and invite applicants.

Emirates Macaroni factory Challenge


Company Name

Pasta & Sauces

مصنع معكرونة الإمارات

Sector - Pasta & Sauces

Company Name - مصنع معكرونة الإمارات

Challenge 2.1

Develop several ideas for a “Emirates Macaroni Express” fast-food type outlet suitable for food courts that gives consumers a really unique experience of buying and eating “instant pasta”. The problem that we are trying to solve is that consumers no longer need to wait in long lines and wait for their food, however, they can make the choices, buy, and eat without the need of much human intervention. Candidates are invited to propose store and pasta dispensing and preparation solutions including.

  • Digital interface for choosing and buying the type of pasta you want
  • Very convenient way to buy
  • Customization opportunities of their pasta
  • Ways of Cooking and Dispensing of Pasta and pasta-based meals on the spot etc.

    Please propose a holistic solution and a state-of-the-art Express store for such an outlet that we can work with you on

Challenge 2.2

As the leaders in pasta, we would like to change the snacking habit of all our target consumers from what they normally have (like noodles) to pasta. To give our consumers the same taste and flavour experience that they are traditionally used to, we would like to develop pasta range of Indian and Emirate spice-based flavours, which when added to the pasta reminds them of their traditional savoury hot-snacking food (like Maggi noodles) and really prompts them to make the switch to the Pasta category. Applicants are expected to give ideas for spice-mixes, names and potentially recipes and final product from type of pasta + flavor + container / box / sachet etc. for our new range of ethic taste preferences.

Challenge 2.3

One of the challenges that we face in pasta production is that there is off-size or broken pasta/ Waste during the manufacturing process that cannot be packed or used for our regular product. We are looking for solutions and ways in which we use this broken pasta/ waste and convert it into a product or meal or any other form which we can commercially sell and prevent wastage and generate value. Applicants are invited even to propose any new packaged product that we can make with the broken pasta. Looking forward to lots of solutions.

Nutridor Abevia challenge


Company Name


Nutridor Abevia

Sector - Dairy

Company Name - Nutridor Abevia

Challenge 3.1

Nutridor is looking forward to becoming a part of the United Arab Emirates through its ‘Proudly Emirati’ initiative by setting up a production facility in Dubai. The initiative also looks for an association with the Emirati youth to work in tandem with Nutridor Dairy Manufacturing LLC and introduce products that assist today’s consumers in their pursuit of everyday health and wellness. Some key areas include – the evolution of ‘gut-friendly food’ and prebiotics that bridge the fibre gap. The challenge invites program participants to generate ideas on several “Health & Wellness ideas” unique to the category of evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk range and work with us to shape and develop these ideas into potential commercial projects.

Challenge 3.2

Healthy and Reduced or No Sugar foods have gained more importance due to health-conscious consumers. In this journey, we welcome novel and innovative ideas to come up with no/low sugar and calorie content without compromising on the taste of Evaporated and Condensed Milk. Based on the innovative ideas generated, we would like to work with prospective program participants on a new range of low/no sugar and calorie products under our brand umbrella and welcome participants to submit their applications.

Essa Al Ghurair Investments challenge


Company Name

Coffee, Gluten Free Flour and Pasta

Essa Al Ghurair Investments

Sector - Coffee, Gluten Free Flour and Pasta

Company Name - Essa Al Ghurair Investments

Challenge 4.1

Our group is embarking on the journey of sustainable packaging for F&B products and we invite ideas and solutions from the participants on sustainable and environment-friendly ways of packaging Coffee for consumers and our B2B partners. The solution should demonstrate thought-leadership in recycling, refilling and/or re-usable solutions for our coffee supplies.

Challenge 4.2

As a leading manufacturer of Gluten-free pasta, Essa Al Ghurair group would like invite ideas from program participants and work with key selected candidates to develop Health-Benefits in Pasta – that give a clear benefit to our consumers like the right level of nutrition or immunity they need every-day; either incorporated inside the pasta itself or as an add-on ingredient and would like to invite applications for this challenge

Challenge 4.3

Our group has the capability to manufacture gluten-free flour ready-mixes and we see this as a next growth segment.The challenge is to generate ideas for and develop a range of ethnically focused, convenient Ready-Mixes made from flour, that homemakers and restaurants can use to conveniently prepare their traditional sweets or savoury dishes – instead of lot of time and effort required to prepare everything from scratch.

National Food Industries (NFI) challenge


Company Name

Savory Snacks


Sector - Savory Snacks

Company Name - NFI

Challenge 5.1

Immunity boost is a major benefit in the F&B industry that has become even more important after Covid. Consumers are seeking food and beverages and ingredients that help them naturally build their immunity and keep them well. Join us in this challenge of developing new flavours or chips products that have “natural immunity boosting ingredients” that also tasty when added to our range of chips.

Challenge 5.2

There are very few local manufacturers in the chips category who lead the space of super-ingredients and have a product range built on this platform. We all know that “natural super-ingredients” used daily are good for you. We invite our program participants to identify super ingredients from Arabic food culture and help us develop chips made from these super-ingredients or added to the chips to give them these benefits. (Examples of super ingredients are Zaat’ar, Molokhia, Freekah (maybe a chips made of freekah which is similar to Quinoa)).

Challenge 5.3

We invite program participants and partners to come up with several ideas and develop solutions so that we can lower the salt and calories in chips and provide a healthier snacking alternative compared to the generically currently available solutions like baked chips. The idea should be such that it can be implemented through locally available ingredients and solutions and the product still tastes good.

Challenge 5.4

As the leaders in the chips segment, we would like to pave the way ahead for sustainable packaging in our category and reduce the dependence on plastic over the period of next 5-7 years. We invite participants of this program to come up with ideas and develop packaging with us that can help us significantly improve our packaging footprint of the future.
Key Note:
In all the above challenges, please define the product and how it will be delivered by working with us to cover the main milestones for the innovations including size of the business, preference with consumers and prototyping, so that we can work closely to implement these innovations in our business.

Hunter Foods Challenge


Company Name

Salty Snacks

Hunter Foods

Sector - Salty Snacks

Company Name - Hunter Foods

Challenge 6.1

How do you develop a local Emirati/Gulf Regional flavour on our various types/formats of chips that are tasty and loved by the UAE nationals, people of the Gulf and international consumers who enjoy/appreciate Middle Eastern flavours and cuisines; at the same time, a final product that can also be commercially successful in multiple markets with a potential global appeal?

Pure food processing challenge


Company Name


Pure food processing

Sector - Sauces

Company Name - Pure Food Processing

Challenge 7.1

The youth are becoming more conscious of their choices and the impact it has on their health and wellbeing. We are seeing a rise in demand of ‘good for you’ products and believe that this is where the future of our category of sauces will be – for a product that is natural, with no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. On the flip side, in order to achieve these goals, we need to sacrifice the shelf life of our product. If the shelf life reduces, the product cannot be accessible to as many consumers and as many markets as it should be. Our challenge to our bright, young students is: can you come up with a solution to eliminate (or find alternative, natural) preservatives, while maintaining the 9-12 month shelf life that we need in our category to mass distribute the products.

Challenge 7.2

In our category of sauces, sugar is the most predominant ingredient. Used as both a preservative and a taste enhancer, sugar is a key ingredient in most of our recipes. The challenge we are faced with is – the population of the GCC have a preferential liking to sweeter flavour profiles, but at the same time due to increased health awareness and upcoming government regulations, we are asked to reduce the content of sugar in our recipes while maintaining our costs. Our challenge to our bright, young students is: picking the category of tomato ketchup specifically – can you come up with a solution to reduce the amount of sugar, while also maintaining the taste profile and cost efficiencies. (Note: ketchup has one of the most high contents of sugar compared to any other sauces category!)

Challenge 7.3

Mayonnaise is a popular ingredient amongst our national consumers and it finds itself in several meal occasions throughout the day. At PFI, we would like to embark on the journey of creating a low-fat, low-calorie mayonnaise that will be both tasty and health for our consumers. We also want to give our consumer a unique flavor experience that they would find really appetizing. Once such emerging flavor in our region is truffle – which is used in cakes, pizzas and other dishes. PFI invites applicants to join us in the development of a low-calorie, low-fat truffle mayonnaise and innovative packaging formats that can be enjoyed with family.

al islami foods challenge


Company Name

Meat & Poultry

Al Islami Foods

Sector - Meat & Poultry

Company Name - Al Islami Foods

Challenge 8.1

Be part of an on-going Emirati Taste Panel to help us taste and evaluate products across cooked meal preparations made from Al Islami Ingredients (frozen produce) and contribute to the development of new products at our company.

Al Ain Farms Challenge


Company Name

Dairy, Beverages

Al Ain Farms

Sector - Dairy, Beverages

Company Name - Al Ain Farms

Challenge 9.1

The fresh poultry business suffers from significant losses in product coming from product that is not sold in stores before it’s expiry date (such product is returned to the manufacturer from the stores) 1-day prior to the expiry date and sold with price discounts or dumped if not sold. We invite participants to create a sustainable and end-to-end “ecosystem” and different types of solutions for fresh poultry products (whole chicken and chicken parts) to reduce the product losses coming from expired shelf-life.

Challenge 9.2

Al Ain Farms would like to further reinforce its dairy range and local and fresh imagery through innovative and affordable product solutions and propositions that is locally relevant to the UAE market and provides good nutrition and benefits to its consumers. Al Ain Farms invites program participants to give ideas and create and develop with us such innovative locally relevant dairy products for its range.

Challenge 9.3

One of the future pillars of our Dairy and Juice business at Al Ain Farms is sustainable/re-usable packaging, so that we can improve the carbon footprint of the packaging used in our industry. We would like participants to help us ideate, develop and introduce new sustainable packaging concepts/solutions or materials for dairy and juices packaging that can also be made on our existing production lines.

IBFI Challenge


Company Name


International Beverage and Filling Industries LLC

Sector - Beverages

Company Name - International Beverage and filling Industries LLC

Challenge 10.1

Challenge Block: Super ingredients

Consumers are becoming more health conscious and the awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet has been increasing over the recent years. Consumers are looking for products which are better for them, which are in line with the emerging clean eating trends and which at the same time taste good. IBFI as one of the market leaders in the UAE beverage industry produces an extensive range of canned & bottled drinks under our flagship brand STAR. Our portfolio includes Star Juices, carbonated soft drinks , water and our famous Star soda & signature soda range. In line with the consumers desire for healthier and lower calorie products we recently introduced 100% Juice which has NO added sugar and our guilt-free Stevia juices which are low on Calories. Another trend which has taken over the food industry are Superfoods. Superfood beverages refer to refreshing drinks offering several nutritional benefits to people with hectic lifestyle. These people demand on-the-go nutrition as they do not have enough time to sit and have intake of daily nutritional requirements. The F&B industry is being revolutionized with this healthy twist of nutrient-rich foods which we see as an innovation opportunity and a great value addition to our portfolio.

The challenge – help us develop a healthy beverage solution utilizing the power of Superfood/Super ingredients

ADVOC challenge


Company Name

Edible Oils


Sector - Edible Oils

Company Name - ADVOC

Challenge 11.1

During the current international issues, commodity costs and the price of edible oil from sources has risen drastically. To counter these inflationary times and set our foundation for the future, we would like to build a range of Premium and value-added range of products, so that we offer consumers a broad range of high-value cooking oils and fats to basic products under our umbrella brand. We invite participants to work with us to come up with ideas for new types of oils that will enable us to build our premium range of oils and broaden the portfolio for consumers.

Challenge 11.2

Immunity is a key theme in food and beverages and what better way of doing that than providing it in the oils that we use to cook every-day. The challenge is for our participants to create the “next big health or immunity benefit” for edible oils and fats that consumers will really value and be ready to pay for work with us to identify the ingredients and prototype these for the business. Join us in this exciting journey.

Challenge 11.3

As part of the fractionation and refining process of edible oils and fats, several by-products and oil fractions are obtained. There is a tremendous opportunity to come up with ideas for using these by products and build a business plan for utilizing these. Initial screened applicants with good ideas for use of these byproducts will get the opportunity to visit our plant, discuss and developed detailed, sustainable solutions for these byproducts with our team at ADVOC.

Al Barakah Dates Factory Challenge


Company Name


Al Barakah Dates Factory

Sector - Farming

Company Name - Al Barakah Dates Factory

Challenge 12.1

How might we educate the emirati youth more on the nutritional values and benefits of consuming dates not only as a whole fruit, but also in cooking/baking/everyday life rather than just a fruit consumed in season or in ramadan? What activities will appeal to our target market to make them interested or curious to find out the many things we can do with dates and dates in other forms?

Challenge 12.2

How can we use and promote liquid and powder sugars produced from dates in our everyday kitchen rather thank refined white and brown sugars?

Challenge 12.3

Retail consumers tend to always want perfect looking dates, so what happens to the ‘uglies’? yes we can turn them into other products but why cant we consume them directly just because they peel a little too much or have too much skin or are darker in color or smaller in size?

Challenge 12.4

How can we improve the ‘simply dates’ date bar to the make it more attractive to the local clientele?

Challenge 12.5

Can you develop a new product using primarily al barakah dates products which will appeal to the local clientele?

Open Challenge

For further queries and to know more about the F&B Innovation Lab program, visit our virtual office

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